He rearned his Masters in Education and Counseling from Troy State University of Alabama in 2006. He was a 1967 graduate of Sumter County High School and a 1992 graduate of GA Southwestern with a bachelor degree in psychology and music. He was born Augin Americus, GA, son of Reverend Eugene and Sandra Jackson Hall. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, Apat Zion Hill baptist Church in Leslie, GA. Vincent Mulas Hall, 37, of 2414 Berier Wood Drive, #17, Albany, GA, died Monday, Apat Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Survivors include her husband of Oglethorp children, Ronda (Frederick Leon) Dixon of Buena Vista, GA, Kimberly Hall(Cedric Nelson) of Warner RObin, GA, Herbert Lamont Hall of Oglethorpe stepson, Timothy (Canyon) Frederick of Andersonville, GA mother, Millie Mae Green of Atlanta, GA 6 grandchildren, Jasmine Stainaker of Oglethorpe, Xavier Dixon, Frederick Keon Dixon, both of Buena Vista, Crystall Hall of Macon, GA, Yasmine "Peter" Hall of Montezuma, Joshua Frederick, Leila Frederick and Timothy G Frederick, all of Andersonville one great grandchild, Amauri Stainaker of Oglethorpe 6 siblings, Shelton Loman, Carnell (Dorothy) Loman of Montezuma, Judy Thomas of Oglethorpe, Michael (Sherrie) Green, Stanley Green and Bonnie Green, all of Atlanta stepsister, Ruby (Wade) Lee Sr of St Petersburg, FL aunts, Margaret Oliver and Dorothy Thomas of Montezuma uncles, Clarence Thomas and Ernest Thomas of Montezuma brothers in law and sisters in law, Almeta Drumwright of Oglethorpe, Pearlie (Charles) Felton, Annie Hawkins of Miami, Charles (Gail) Hall of Oglthorpe, Ethel Ware and Myrtice (Victor) Small of Miami. Se was employed as a paraprofessional for 17 years in the classroom of Faith Whitaker, Dooly County Board of Education. Their daughter Christy Lashawn Hall preceded her in death. On July 1, 1967, she and Herbert Hall were married and had 4 children. She was a 1967 graduate of D F Douglass High School. She was reared by her late grandmother, Jerrie Lee "Sugar Mama" Loman. She was born Decemin Montezuma, GA, daughter of Willie Mae Green and the late Turner "Pete" Loman.

Burial will be in the Oglethorpe City Cemetery. FUneral services will be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, Jat St Paul A.M.E. Mrs Ruby Jean Loman Hall, 58, of Oglethorpe, GA, died Friday, June 13, 2008. Survivos include children, Clarence (Thelma) Duggar and Mary Duggar, all of Montezuma 28 grandchildren 20 great grandchildren 3 siblings, Mary S Coley of Vienna, GA, Elizabeth Hunter of Atlanta, GA and Willie Mae Anderson of Unadilla, GA sisters in law and brothers in law, Willie Mae (John) Jackson of Boston, MA, Minnie Lou Coleman of Atlanta, GA, Billy Lee (Ann) Green of Fort Valley, GA, Henry Lee Green, Lee Gren, Russell Duggar, all of Reynolds, Peter Dugger of Butler, GA nieces, nephews and other relatives including John Collins family of Montezuma, Clark Family of Dooly County, GA. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Henry Green and a son, Ulysses Duggar. She was a member of Freerun Baptist Church in Taylor County. She was born Augin Unadilla, GA, daughter of the late Willi James Sanders and Mary Lou Brown Fuller.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Decemat Freerun Baptist Church in Reynolds, GA. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site.Mrs Laura Kate Sanders Green, 72, of Montezuma, GA, died Monday, November 26, 2007. Owners of assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Some persons listed might no longer be registered sex offenders and others might have been added. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. No representation is made that the persons listed here are currently on the state's sex offenders registry.